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Science Fiction

First and foremost, the reason I started this web site: , the thesis.
This is a dissertation I wrote for my MA in Tel Aviv University's Unit for Culture Research.
You can read an abstract of the work, in English or in Hebrew.
You can also see a detailed list of chapters and read some of them in the content page (Hebrew only).
Finally, if these seemed interesting enough, you can download the entire thesis, including its database listing the SF and fantasy books translated into Hebrew (Hebrew only, naturally).

"הזת" םיטנדוטסה ןותיעב םסרופש יתדובע לע רמאמ

English abstract Hebrew abstract Contents Download

Here are some favorite
Science Fiction books

An indispensable reference book, especially for researchers, but also for fans.

Making History

To Say Nothing of the Dog

Doomsday's Book


In the Garden of Iden

In Association with Amazon.com
Buy other Science Fiction and Fantasy books from Amazon

This documentary chronicles conventions, collections, and obsessions of Star Trek fans.

Bli Panika online sf&f magazine, including my translation of David D. Levine's "The Tale of the Golden Eagle"
Ort sf&f forum
Ynet sf&f forum
tapuz sf&f forum
היזטנפו ינוידב עדמל תילארשיה הדוגאה רתא
The Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy (English and Hebrew).
"םיבכוכ ןיב עסמ" יצירעמל ילארשיה ןודעומה ,972 סייבראטס
ךונח ידיד לש רתאב
ב"דמה ירפסל עגונב תולאשל תובושת אוצמל ולכות
.םירפס לע תוישיא תוצלמה םגו ,סופוא לש היסטנפהו
Icon 98 סנכ
Icon 99 סנכ
Pictures from a talk I gave in the Icon 99 Sf convention.
םיטיבש חריה םידאמ - רב םאר לש רתאה
Zvi Har'el's Jules Verne site.
Neyir Cenk Gökçe's Science Fiction Page has over 50 definitions of SF by various writers, and more.
Tal Cohen's Bookshelf a very professional personal collection of opinions about books, including a SF section (in English).

Java applets demonstrated on covers of Hebrew SF books:

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Page updated 31/01/2004